Thoughts by Michelle

Menopause and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

At Home Memphis & Mid South

Male Hormones

Understanding male hormones.

Dear Younger Me

“What advice would you give younger you?”

Female Hormones

Understanding female hormones.

Parenting: Nurturing Bonds And Growth

Parenting is a journey of rewards and failures that evolves when parents do the work of understanding the stories they bring into the families they form.

Stress Mastery

Understanding our stress reactions is crucial. Embracing mindfulness and conscious breathing can help regulate our stress response and improve our well-being.

Wellness Reboot: Food

Food is one of the most important elements of daily life.

Wellness Reboot: Spirituality

My relationship with God began early in life and continues to be shaped by His unyielding grace and mercy for which I am in awe and grateful beyond comprehension.

The Power of Parenting

The power of parenting. Transcending generational legacy burdens and gifts.

Holiday Harmony

Tips to help you experience more harmony and less stress during the holiday season.

3 Ways to Hack your Health

Ways to optimize human performance physically, cognitively, and spiritually. READ MORE

Wellness Reboot

Caring for ourselves is often the last item on our list of things to do and the thing we only do if we get to it after all the other things on our list are done.


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